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Welcome to Connect2Career: Empowering Dreams Across Borders! Join us for an unparalleled virtual experience where graduates from Malaysia Universities are empowered to explore exciting employment opportunities beyond their homeland. With a mission to bridge aspirations with reality, Connect2Career opens doors to Singapore companies eager to embrace talent from across the border. Embark on a journey of discovery, networking, and empowerment as we pave the way for students to realize their dreams and companies to find their next generation of global leaders. Don't miss this chance to connect, grow, and soar towards your brightest future with Connect2Career!
The early bird signup ends on March 15, 2024. Early bird registrants enjoy priority access to schedule interviews. Please refer to the table below for signup deadlines:
Singapore Companies across various sectors, including both multinational corporations (MNCs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), will be participating.
As part of the event vetting process, since this is targeted towards candidates looking for full-time roles, the fair will only be open to graduating students or those who have recently graduated. We will be working with universities to validate student profiles.
Yes, there will be opportunities for students from diverse fields of study. Technical roles may include positions requiring specific subject matter knowledge in areas such as engineering or computer languages. For example, software developer, data analyst, or mechanical engineer positions would fall under technical roles. On the other hand, general roles encompass functional responsibilities such as Finance, Marketing, Accounting, and Human Resources. Examples of general roles include financial analyst, marketing coordinator, accountant, and HR assistant. These specific requirements will be outlined in the job descriptions provided by the companies.
Yes, candidates can apply for the jobs they are interested in. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to schedule video interviews with the companies.
Ensure your resume is comprehensive, highlighting key achievements. Dress professionally during interviews. Register early to enjoy priority scheduling for interviews.
Information about participating companies will be available from May 1-11, 2024. During this period, students can apply for jobs and learn more about the companies.
Networking opportunities will not be available during this edition of the fair. This feature might be unlocked in the future editions of the fair, stay tuned!
There are three important periods to note: May 1-11, 2024: Application period for jobs May 19-21, 2024: Meeting scheduling with recruiters May 22-28, 2024: Interview period
Yes, companies are encouraged to make offers before June 17, 2024. Upon successfully obtaining an offer, update us to claim your free Ez-link card worth S$10 and exclusive club access for ongoing support in Singapore.